I am very pleased to have been invited to participate in the ‘Top Dance Blog Contest 2013’ run by Nichelle at Dance Advantage. Dance Advantage is a great go-to site for all things dance, I particularly like the monthly blog post round up – I have learnt a lot from the various view points and takes on dance related topics. Originally I needed comments to become a finalist - I thought I needed the most but it turns out I only needed 10 and then I need to get my supporters to vote again!! Not really how I thought it all worked when I accepted the invitation but 'Oh Well'. I no longer need your comments below for the competition (but feel free to say something nice if you want to!!!) SOOOOO, a big thank you to everyone as Jade Belly Dance did become a finalist. I need you to vote for me now on this dance advantage page.
Often Belly Dance is relegated to an amusing side show event by those in main stream dance. I still remember watching ‘So You Think You Can Dance Australia’ auditions with gritted teeth when they dealt with belly dancers. They ALWAYS used belly dancers in their montages to advertise the audition episodes because audiences love us!! Yet rarely did they show any bellydancers on the actual show, the one I did see very briefly was dismissed by a condescending – ‘well that was entertaining’ by Judge Jason Coleman. I actually loved the show and love other styles of dance too, it’s just nice when we all respect each other. That’s what makes it even greater to be a belly dancer and to be participating in this contest for all dance bloggers. So how do you support the blog that supports you? For the first round I needed people to comment on this page, thank you everyone that showed their love. That round is now over - thanks to you I am now a finalist and I need people to vote here before 31st January. Click the link and scroll down to the heading "Your favourite Dance Blog", click the circle next to the words Jade belly Dance and then click the VOTE button at the end of the box. If you did it, it will take you to the results page and you will see I still need a lot more votes to have a chance!!! Hit the back button on your browser, scroll down a bit further to find the "Teacher Talk" Category and vote for Jade Belly Dance again. The second vote is probably more important than the first as I have a slightly better chance in it, but I would like both the votes.As it is back to school time in Australia after the summer holidays it is a really busy time of the year so I need all the support I can muster particularly from my overseas readers! I have so many great posts ready for 2013, having a lot of people comment would really help motivate me to continue. I do not make any money out of blogging, I do it for love and I would love your support. We only have until Thursday the 31st January to gather as many comments as we can, please ask your fellow dancers and students to comment too. Let me know if have trouble voting by emailing me at jadebellydance@hotmail.com and I will be happy to help love Jade