"99 workshops, 22 teachers and the chance to dance and play music all day and night for 5 nights and 4 days - plus the most delicious food, great people and absolutely stunning surroundings. "
Does it get better than that! ;)
The camp is already in full swing but there is still the weekend to go and believe me this camp is worth the effort. If you didn't book the full camp this year, you could check it out this weekend and know why you should book the whole thing next time around!
Day ticket options give you 3 meals and 1 night accommodation with your ticket for only $185. (All meals (including morning and afternoon teas), accommodation, workshops, concerts, fire-side jamming and unlimited FUN! )

I have only managed to get to this camp once but it was amazing. Unlike most belly dance festivals, you are all in the one spot, same accommodation, same place to eat, etc. That means instead of just a quick 'hi and bye' and sharing a few laughs in the workshops, you get to really spend time with your fellow students and teachers. Because of the music element being involved it means that it is not just a big oestrogen fest. I don't mind girls only events but it is so rare in the belly dance scene that an event has more than a token male, I think it is a pleasant change to be able to collaborate with male energy as well.
It's also one of the very few places you can get Mizmar lessons in Australia!
It's held at Natural Bridge in Queensland (just over the NSW border) so if you live anywhere within a few hundred kilometres then do yourself a massive favour and go for a drive this weekend. I will give you more notice for the next one dear readers but thought I should let you all know now so you can research up the next one if you don't live near enough to go have a look.
If you are a dancer that is not from Australia but was thinking of heading over here for whatever reason then this camp s a great choice. You will be able to do so much and there is no need sort out all the logistics - just the transport bit and even lifts from the airports in Brisbane and the gold coast can some times be arranged for you if you book in advance. Everything else is taken care of. I even took my family when I went. My kids had a great time as did I.
All the info can be found on the website www.medamcamp.org.au
The camp is a not-for-profit community event and run by volunteers - they're just in it for the smiles!